It seems my DD has a couple of pillows that are in need of covers, and the ones I made for myself seem to appeal to her. Hmmm, 18" pillow forms you say.
But this time around I thought I would make the angle of the wedges a bit bigger so I could get the centre smaller and have a smaller pillow too. This time I did 15 degree wedges instead of the 11 degree ones I did on my version.
Lots of tape on my ruler and more figuring but it was a good challenge. I sewed together two strips 3 1/2" wide and then cut them at 15 degree angles.
I was a bit worried about my ad hoc template but it worked great.
Some diagonal quilting and then I found some suede fabric for the backing as she has a leather couch and I hate cushions that slide... oh, yes and invisible zippers...