Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Tidier Sewing Room (Pt 2 of My Messy Sewing Room)

Okay, here is where we started.  I moved the mess outside the door of my sewing room.  Then I sorted for a few days...

That was hard work especially for my brain and heart.  I did reacquaint myself with many older fabrics that I still love though, so it was not time wasted.

So Tada!
Yeah, just showing off my DH's work building my cabinets over the left over maple flooring...

You know it can't stay that tidy.  Why, if I have so much extra space why am I downsizing my stash in the first place (insert smiley face with a wink)?

Now this is real.  I really have plastic containers of thread, and a pressing board that needs a place to stand when I am not using it. Oh, and that wonderful bolt of handkerchief muslin I got from my sister.  This is real.

But to my eyes everything looks fresh and ready for action.  Yeah, me.

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