Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Christmas Wreath Pillows

I have a wonderful friend who loves to decorate her home.  She tells me that pillows are very in and I should have more on my couch... As it is coming up to Christmas, I thought that this might be a good idea and I would make some Christmas themed ones.  I hunted out some red fabric ( a couple of Christmas ones too :)

I cut 3 inch strips and sewed them together in pairs so I could cut wedges from them.  The ruler I happen to have is for 11 degree wedges, sigh so lots of strippy bits later....

christmas pillow from a dresden plate wreath

dresden plate wedge pillow narrow quilting

1 comment:

  1. I need some new pillows too! The kids wrecked my pretty pleated ones with fights. :( Now they are baggy and not very pleated.


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